Statistical interpretation of the results of clinical trials and training scientific publications
The course aims to familiarize the student with the basic statistical issues and their interpretation in clinical trials.
2200 zł 990 zł
Zapytaj o cenę
Statistical interpretation of the results of clinical trials and training scientific publications Statistical interpretation of the results of clinical trials and training scientific publications
Who is this course for

Statistical interpretation of the results of clinical trials and training scientific publications

Course name  

Statistical interpretation of the results of clinical trials and training scientific publications

Course basics

The course aims to familiarize the student with the basic statistical issues that can be found in the reports of clinical trials, among others Odds and Hazard Ratio, Kaplan-Meier Curve or Cox Regression. The tutor puts special emphasis on the interpretation of the results of these calculations. So you will get acquainted not only with theoretical issues, but especially with the practical aspect related to the results of such analyzes.

Course level  


What will you learn? 

With this course, you will learn statistical methods that will help you work on clinical research. You will master issues such as evidence based medicine, clinical and statistical significance, Kaplan-Meier curves and survival functions.




  • training without leaving home,
  • instructors with practical experience,
  • small training groups,
  • materials for participants,
  • option to buy an individual tutor,
  • certificate of competence of a recognized brand on the Polish market.

Number of training hours


Form of training


Duration of training

1 day, from 10:00 to 15:00

Requirements (e.g. knowledge of MS Excel)

basic knowledge of a Windows computer system


Training plan / sylabus

Evidence based medicine (1,5 h.):
  • evidence based medicine definition,
  • relative measures (RR, OR, RRR),
  • absolute meters (ARR, NNT).
Confidence intervals and significance (1 h.):
  • confidence interval for the proportion,
  • confidence interval for the odds ratio,
  • the confidence interval for the relative risk,
  • confidence interval and statistical significance,
  • statistical significance and clinical significance.
Regression models (0.5 h.):
  •   classical regression model,
  •   logistic regression.
Survival analysis (2 h.):
  •   basic concepts of survival analysis,
  •   survival function and its properties,
  •   Kaplan-Meier estimator,
  •   reading and comparing survival functions,
  •   fitting parametric functions to Kaplan-Meier curves,
  •   Cox proportional hazard model.


Professional statistical analyses for scientific writing (PhDs) international publications and business studies (Business Intelligence, clinical trials)


The highest quality in conformity with the ISI Master Journal List and FDA.


See more: Statistical analysis

Who is this course for

The course is intended for everyone who wants to learn how to interpret statistical results presented in clinical trials. This course is dedicated to all people who work on clinical trials and want to know what practical conclusions can be drawn on the basis of research results or scientific publications based on them.

Autorzy szkolenia


What forms of online courses are available on
We offer two types of online courses: live webinars conducted by one of our experts and online courses with recordings available on demand (for one month from the date of purchase).
For how long can I use the purchased online course?
For a period of one month. After this time, access must be purchased again in order to continue using the video materials.
Do I have to carry out trainings / courses from one cycle in turn?
Keeping the order is not necessary, but definitely an indication.
How can I pay for access to the courses?
Our courses can be purchased using fast PayU payments.
Can I get an invoice for the purchase of courses?
Yes, when placing an order, you must select the appropriate checkbox and fill in the fields with the invoice data.
Will I receive confirmation of completion of the course / training?
Yes, each online course and training carried out by us is completed with a certificate of the Biostat Research and Development Center.
Is it possible to organize training for the whole team with CBR BioStat experts?
Yes, an inquiry for such training can be sent to us using the form on the main page or in the organized training tab.
Registration for webinar
Statistical interpretation of the results of clinical trials and training scientific publications
The course aims to familiarize the student with the basic statistical issues and their interpretation in clinical trials.
2200 zł 990 zł
Zapytaj o cenę
This training includes:
5 hours
4 lessons
Basic level
English language
Certificate of completion signed CBR BioStat
Szkolenie pod patronatem

Opinions of our customers - online courses.

Opinions of our clients

The BioStat company has completed a training entitled "Biomedical Statistics" commissioned by Club 40 of the Polish Ophthalmology Society and the Polpharma company. The training covered the following issues: Statistical analysis plan, ANCOVA modeling, Logistic regression, Relative risk, The most common statistical tests, ROC curves. The services provided by Biostat are characterized by a high level of quality. We are pleased to recommend the help in the field of medical statistics offered by Biostat.

Club 40 of the Polish Ophthalmology Association

In November (...) the Biostat company carried out a training entitled "Statistics in clinical trials" (...). The conducted training was characterized by a high substantive level, all issues were presented in an understandable way, we could count on a clear translation of theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge. We are very pleased with the results of the training and we are considering continuing this type of training for our team.

Takeda Pharma

The BioStat company has completed (...) a training entitled "Specifics of data analysis in toxicological and ecotoxicological studies". It should be emphasized that the service was performed reliably and professionally. Employees involved in its implementation showed timeliness, patience and diligence. The trainer presented in a very simple and easy-to-understand way, showing great knowledge and experience in the field of statistics and data analysis.

Łukasiewicz Research Network

Biostat organized a taining course on practical statistics for medical research (Statistics for clinical research and post marketing surveillance) for our Medical Department Colleagues.The Tutor (...) provided us with a program which was very well prepared and perfectly tailored to our needs . We recived excellent support in the area of statistics, data analysis and the use of advanced statistical tools in medical research projects.

Pfizer Polska Sp. z o.o.

We would like to express our sincere thanks for the training sessions entitled: Statistical research in the circular economy and bioeconomy (…).
Carefully prepared training materials and a detailed training program were rated very well by our employees and met our quality expectations towards the training service provider.
Knowledge of the subject, ability to convey information and adapting the scope of materials guaranteed a high level of training. We are pleased to recommend BIOSTAT as a solid and reliable partner in the implementation of training programs.

See also

Professional statistical analyzes for Polish and international research and scientific publications. We carry out analyzes in accordance with the ISI Master Journal List and FDA guidelines in the following languages: Polish, English and German.

See more